passport podcast

Working with Destinations – Passport Travel Marketing & PR Podcast Episode 10

Working with Destinations - An interview with DCI's Andy Levine - Passport Travel Marketing & PR Podcast Episode 10

Interview of Andy Levine from DCI about Working with Destinations.

Andy Levine has been with DCI (Development Counsellors International) since 1991. He is the son of founder Ted Levine, who started the company in 1960, and was thus introduced to the world of economic development and travel marketing pretty much at birth.

He enjoys exploring communities, sorting out the most interesting stories and storytellers, and then communicating these unique offerings to the right audience.

Andy has been a driving force in helping DCI enter a new era, including advancing the quality of client work performed, growing the number of staff and adding to the range of client services offered at DCI.

Hosts: Leif Pettersen of Leif Pettersen PR and Chris Christensen of and

Working with Destinations - An interview with DCI's Andy Levine - Passport Travel Marketing & PR Podcast Episode 10

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